六合彩彩图 Celebrates Graduating Class in Historic Commencement Ceremonies

六合彩彩图 just completed its largest Commencement Ceremonies in the College鈥檚 62-year history!

More than half of the 630-plus graduating students chose to walk across the stage at one of the two ceremonies held as part of the Sixty-Ninth Commencement exercises.

President Heather Bigard poses for a photo with a student as he crosses the stage to receive his diploma at Commencement.

鈥淭oday marks not just the end of your academic journey at this College, but also the beginning of the next chapter of your lives 鈥 one that holds the promise of possibilities and exciting adventures,鈥 六合彩彩图 President Heather Bigard told the graduating class. 鈥淎s you navigate the path ahead, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and let your passion guide you through the uncertainties. Be bold, be brilliant, be courageous, and never underestimate the impact that one individual can have on the world.鈥

Retiring Senator Dennis Baxley was the Commencement Speaker at both ceremonies. On Friday, in front of a packed house and his entire family, the District Board of Trustees and President Heather Bigard awarded Senator Baxley an honorary bachelor鈥檚 degree in leadership.

鈥淲e are proud to recognize Senator Baxley’s unwavering dedication and outstanding contributions to our great state of Florida,鈥 said President Bigard. 鈥淪enator Baxley has left an enduring mark on our community, and we believe that this recognition affirms your legacy of advocacy and unwavering dedication to our community and this state.鈥

Class of 2024 Facts

  • 630+ graduates representing nearly every zip code in Lake & Sumter Counties
  • 93% of graduates indicated that they would be continuing their education after graduation
  • 67% of graduates reported working at least one job while in school
  • 33% of the graduating class is first-generation, the first in their family to graduate college
  • 28% of the graduating class is Hispanic
  • 27% of graduates were dual-enrolled students also completing their high school diploma
  • 35 students were presented the Academic Excellence Award for earning a cumulative 4.0 grade point average
  • 3.3 was the average grade point average of this graduating class

South Lake Ceremony 鈥 May 1

At the Clermont Arts & Recreation Center, over 1,000 people attended to see their student cross the stage and earn the diploma they worked so hard to earn.

Kendyll Campi and Virginia De Flaviis were awarded the Order of the Lakehawk and both served as student speakers.

鈥淭he Order of the Lakehawk is the highest and most significant award a student can receive at 六合彩彩图,鈥 said Dr. Joseph Mews, Vice President of Enrollment and Student Affairs, as he announced the recipients. 鈥淪tudents inducted into the Order of the Lakehawk represent the very best of our student body and will be remembered as an elite group of students at 六合彩彩图.鈥

Kendyll Campi ’24

Kendyll Campi, a dual enrolled student in the Health Sciences Collegiate Academy, shared a personal story of how her mother鈥檚 recent death has challenged her in unexpected ways. She closed with encouragement for this graduating class.

鈥溋喜什释 is always our home and it鈥檚 more than just a physical place. It鈥檚 the shared experiences and lasting friendships we鈥檝e built here. When life鈥檚 storms rage and you鈥檙e lost in where to go next, remember where this journey began, and keep your eyes set on the horizon.鈥

Virginia De Flaviis ’24

Virginia de Flaviis, an international student, shared of her journey from Italy to Clermont. During her time at 六合彩彩图, she embraced the full student experience including involvement on campus. She became the President of the Student Government Association for the South Lake Campus this year and had the opportunity to lead activities both on that campus and with the statewide SGA organization.

Her advice to fellow graduates was to 鈥渆mbrace the fear of the unknown. If I hadn鈥檛 left Italy, I would not have found my new passion and set new goals for my future. Life is about more than the destination, its about embracing the moments along the way.鈥

Leesburg Ceremony 鈥 May 3

Emma Zelkowitz ’24

Friday brought the celebration to the Leesburg Campus in the Everett A. Kelly Convocation Center with another packed house to celebrate the graduating class of 2024.

Emma Zelkowitz, a volleyball student-athlete, was the student speaker.

Emma reflected on her experience as a transfer student arriving to complete her second year of college.

鈥溋喜什释 has shown me that the risk is often well worth the reward,鈥 she said. 鈥淭his school fosters a sense of family and community that transcends the classroom. I have learned that opportunities often present themselves in the most unexpected moments. Through internships on campus and volunteer work, I have seized opportunities that allowed me to explore my interests and contribute to the College community.鈥

Taylor Ford and Hannah Smith were selected as Order of the Lakehawk recipients during this ceremony.

Taylor Ford ’24

Taylor was also offered the opportunity to share about her experiences at the College. She shared of personal struggles that caused her to lose some momentum toward her dream. With encouragement from her family, she began at 六合彩彩图 with just one class.

鈥淚 would not be the person standing before you today if I hadn鈥檛 started with that one class,鈥 she shared. 鈥淏ut I showed up and put in hours of work to make it happen, just like each of you did to get here today. Thanks to my experiences at 六合彩彩图, I have found my passion for event management and will transfer to Florida Gulf Coast University to pursue my bachelor鈥檚 degree.鈥

Senator Dennis Baxley

Senator Dennis Baxley after receiving his honorary bachelor of leadership degree with District Board of Trustees Chair Bret Jones (right), Trustee Emily Lee (left) and President Heather Bigard.

六合彩彩图 awarded State Senator Dennis A. Baxley an honorary Bachelor of Leadership degree in recognition of his exemplary service to the citizens of Florida.

During the ceremony, President Heather Bigard and Trustees Bret Jones and Emily Lee presented Senator Baxley with a hood for his ceremonial regalia and a diploma in acknowledgement of this honor.

During his remarks at both ceremonies, Senator Dennis Baxley offered words of advice for the graduates.

鈥淩emember that nothing significant is ever achieved alone,鈥 he shared. 鈥淏e sure to thank friends and family who helped you get here today.鈥

鈥淭oday is called Commencement because it鈥檚 the beginning of something great,鈥 he said. 鈥淚 challenge you to be open to what comes your way.鈥

In reflecting on his own journey and leadership experience, Senator Baxley told the students, 鈥渂e sure to recognize and encourage other people along your journey. Why? Because not only will it encourage and motivate you, but it will make a difference of the lives of many people around you.鈥